Information regarding vaults for new map

Vaults close for ALL players after 11:59p CST on August 15th, 2024
Each player's vault contains 7 double chests.
Each player gets only 1 double chest of sentimental/collectible items to store.
Not allowed in the vault:
- shulkers with items inside
- pokemon cards
- maps/mapart/portraits
- crates (vote crates, builders/gardeners, etc style crates from a vote crate, treasure chests, grand blocks, spawner boxes, pokemon kits, mcmmo boxes, bucket o' paints)
- spawners
- furniture
- plushies and plushie certificates
- letters for letter exchange (letters on papers)
- netherite blocks
- enderdragon wings
- evopacks/backpacks
- empty shulkers
- vanilla blocks
- netherite ingots/netherite scrap/ancient debris totaling 64 pieces
- mobcatcher eggs (limited to 12 per type of mob, OR if using older vanilla mob eggs, there is no limit and staff can help stacking these eggs into 64)
- vanilla enchanted books
- /skull of players
- mobs in buckets
- empty bundles
- vanilla potions
- xp bottles (It would be ideal to store all your xp bottles into one convenient bottle with the command: /bottle store max” )
- banners
- beehives/bee nests (they may not be stackable based on number of bees inside)
- Each player (including staff) will have their inventory erased.
- Each player (including staff) will have their enderchest erased.
- Custom weapons, tools and armor will be removed of all enchantments (and textures if present).
- You are able to bring vanilla tools with vanilla enchantments into your vault for use on the new map.
- Anything with a custom texture will not transfer that cosmetic.
- Lore and name on items will remain.
- Minecove tokens will not be able to be redeemed on the new map.
- There is no limit on ores other than netherite in your vault. (See above for netherite restrictions in the sections for what is dis/allowed.)
- Coins purchased from the webshop (with irl money or gifted by other players) will transfer over.
- If Player A wants to share space in their collectible chest with Player B, they can but it’s limited to the 1 chest of Player A. Same applies to the other 6 chests of sharing space.
- Alts are not allowed to use vault space aka vault space is per player.
- Allowed Custom Items: Up to 54 item slots (1 double chest) may be used to hold custom items such as custom gear, tools, monthly trophies, minecove gear/items, nostalgic items & etc. These custom items will have their enchantments (& textures if present) removed. Only name & lore will remain. If a player dedicates a chest to Custom items and does not fill it completely, the remaining space can be used to hold other non-custom items.
- If you are helping a trusted player/family member/friend to move into a vault you can /plot trust and /plot untrust but be aware this is at your own risk.
- All chests/shulkers/item frames/armor stands in builds will be cleared if they contain items.
- Shulkers left in builds will be removed.
- Highly encouraged to remove shop signs (the buy/sell chest shops).
30 Lipiec 2024 15:11

When is dragon fight?
21 Wrzesień 2024 21:11
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